
Type of Enrollment
Monthly Payment (Sept 1 to May 1)
Full Day (8:30am to 3pm)
Five Full Days
$1,300 (Sept/April) $700 (May)
Half Day (8:30am to 12pm) 
Five Half Days
$950 (Sep/April) $250 (May)
After School (3-4 PM)
Five Days = $1,650
After School (3-5 PM)
Five Days = $3,300
Drop-in Rate
$15 per hour
* A full-time student rate $11,700 tuition per year (payable at $1,300/month for September-April with the last tuition payment of $700 in May after the $700 deposit is applied).

**A part-time student rate $8,550 tuition per year (payable at $950/month for September-April with the last tuition payment of $250 in May after the $700 deposit is applied).

  1. One-time application/enrollment fee of $50 per student is due with the application.
  2. A non refundable tuition deposit of $700 is due with the enrollment form and is detracted from the last monthly tuition due in May.
  3. Based on a school year calendar of 170 days including 5 snow make-up days, the school tuition is divided in 9 payments from September to May.
  4. Students may enter any time throughout the school year and tuition will be prorated.